
Societe Generale The Future is You Foundation

Societe Generale The Future is You Foundation, which oversees all of Societe Generale’s sponsorship, aims to provide support from within a collective to young people who are getting started, as well as all those who we can help flourish in their personal and professional lives. We believe in each person’s potential and want to help everyone fulfil theirs, starting with those who inherently embody the future – young people.

Launched in 2018, the Africa Programme of the Societe Generale Corporate Foundation backs local initiatives that support education and professional integration, in particular through access to training, sports or the development of skills in promising sectors. The Foundation regularly turns to the Group’s local subsidiaries to identify projects, as well as to allow employees to participate in skills sponsorship initiatives.

In total, €949,120 in grants were awarded to 16 projects in 9 countries on the continent in 2021.

Discover the Africa Programme