
YUP partner of DiagnoseMe in Burkina Faso



DiagnoseMe, a smartphone app to detect COVID-19 symptoms

DiagnoseMe is a mobile app "made in" Burkina Faso developed by the associative startup Faso Civic. It allows, from the mobile phone, to detect the symptoms of COVID-19 in people contaminated and to direct them towards screening and medical management. .

The DiagnoseMe team is one of the finalists whose solutions caught the attention of the jury of the Wuhan2020 Open Source Community, an international hackathon organized by China at the end of January.

Downloadable on Android and soon available on IOS, the tool makes possible real-time epidemiological monitoring that actively combats the spread of the virus on the continent. The application also provides information on the means of prevention, maps suspected cases, and gives statistics on the evolution of the pandemic.

DiagnoseMe is supported by the UNDP (United Nations Development Program) and the SEE / B4GH engagement platform, of which Societe Generale is a member.

Partner of the DiagnoseMe application, <link>YUP, Societe Generalex²x²'s mobile money solution on the continent, has communicated to all of its customers with a smartphone, more than 250,000 in Burkina Faso, the download address of the application via SMS and through social networks. This health promotion campaign is an important first step in building a health path on Yup and the "bank as a platform" approach.

It is also envisaged in the near future that YUP will become a means of payment integrated into the Health caravans deployed by the Association Santé en Entreprise (SEE) which circulate across the country to guarantee access to medical care for the most landlocked people, an operation that will be carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital and the Ministry of Health.

With this initiative, YUP shows once again its will to go beyond the traditional banking model, by using mobile as a gateway to exclusive experiences.