Committed to help fighting the spread of Covid-19 globally, Societe Generale launched a dedicated programme for Africa in May 2020.
A donation of €1.5 million to Médecins Sans Frontières
The first step of this programme is a donation of €1.5 million to the association Médecins sans Frontières (MSF). For nearly 50 years, MSF has been providing medical assistance to people whose lives or health are threatened, all around the world. In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, MSF is working in coordination with local health authorities to assess needs and propose appropriate solutions, building on its medical expertise acquired during previous large-scale epidemics. In addition to this donation, the Bank also encourages people to participate individually to this collective action with a donation to MSF.
Supporting Care in Africa
In this context, the Group made a donation of EUR 370,000 to CARE to support actions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Madagascar and Chad.
A long-standing partner of Societe Generale Group, CARE is a major player in emergency response. In this framework, the charity works in conjunction with civil society organisations and local authorities.
Societe Generale supports the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in Africa
The Group made a donation of €1 millionto the IFRC to support actions in Benin, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Guinea, Mauritania, Mozambique and Togo.
Through this donation, the IFRC will be able to lead actions in terms of prevention, fight against the spread and fight against the socio-economic impact due to the Covid19 pandemic.
Depending on the local needs, the national Red Cross or Red Crescent societies will contribute to prehospital care, supply protection and hygiene kits, maintain access to food and basic needs through the distribution of cash or vouchers or communicate within communities to promote barrier gestures and fight against disinformation.
To face the spread of Covid-19, Societe Generale group has been fully engaged all over the world to ensure the continuity of banking services, to protect its staff and to support its clients.
From the beginning of the health crisis, in every countries in which the Group operates, exceptional support schemes have been put in place to help mitigate the negative impact on the economies, in close link with the public authorities. Societe Generale teams have been quick to react everywhere, showing their capacity and willingness to back the efforts of public actors and associations to fight against the epidemic.