Societe Generale is rewarded one more time for its commitment in Africa, at the Euromoney Awards for Excellence 2020.
Societe Generale is granted the "Excellence in leadership 2020" award for Africa.
This award, specially created this year, rewards 6 banking institutions in Africa, highlighting the central role they played throughout the pandemic to mitigate the impact on customers, both morally and financially.
This award therefore once again underlines the Bank's long-standing commitment on the continent, and the means it puts in place, both in the short and long runs, in terms of citizenship, support and tools.
Thus, the magazine highlights the support of SMEs by the various entities of the Group, with the development of the SME Houses network on the African continent, but also through the various agreements signed with institutions such as Proparco.
Euromoney also underlines the importance played by the YUP mobile application, which has experienced a significant increase linked to the Covid-19 crisis, over the first 3 months of 2020.
Finally, the Euromoney prize also rewards the Group's citizen commitment on the continent, in the long term and in the face of the crisis, notably mentioning the Foundation's 2019 report as well as the funds raised by the Group from Médecins sans Frontières and Care to deal with Covid-19.