Our network
Societe Generale is a key player in Africa and is committed to its individual and corporate customers, whatever their size, offering them a range of solutions tailored to cover all their needs.
In addition to its universal banking network, Societe Generale has deployed platforms dedicated to infrastructure financing in Africa. Operating from Algeria and Côte d'Ivoire, their aim is to deploy the Group's structured finance expertise as close as possible to customers and their projects.
Societe Generale also operates on the financial markets through a multi-asset, multi-product network based in Côte d'Ivoire and Cameroon, comprising asset management and intermediation companies, subsidiaries specializing in third-party asset management, and a trading room based in Abidjan, which handles foreign exchange activities in the WAEMU zone.
Société Générale Algérie
Résidence El Kerma - Wilaya d'Alger
B.P. 55 Bir Khadem - Alger
Société Générale Bénin
Lot 4153, Avenue Clozel, Placodji
01 BP 585 - Cotonou
Burkina Faso
Société Générale Burkina Faso
248 rue de l'hôtel de ville
01 BP 585 - Ouagadougou 01
Société Générale Cameroun
78, rue Joss
BP 4042 - Douala
Côte d'Ivoire
Société Générale Côte d'Ivoire
5 et 7 avenue Joseph Anoma
01 BP1355 - Abidjan 01
Equatorial Guinea
Avenida de la Independencia - 6, Calle Argelia
Apartado 686 ,Malabo
Société Générale Ghana
Ring Road Central
PO Box 13119 - Accra
Société Générale Guinée
Cité du Chemin de Fer - Immeuble BOFFA
BP 1514 - Conakry 1
Société Générale Mauritanie
6 Avenue Charles de Gaulle
BP 5085 Nouakchott
Société Générale Sénégal
19 avenue Léopold Sédar Senghor
BP 323 - Dakar
Société Générale Togo
2983 avenue de la Libération
Lomé Tokoin-Gbadago
Union Internationale de Banques (UIB)
65 avenue Habib Bourguiba
1000 Tunis
Societe Generale representation office in Kenya
The Mirage Tower
2, Chiromo Rd
South Africa
Societe Generale South Africa Ltd
160 Jan Smuts Avenue
Rosebank, Johannesburg