Societe Generale African Business Services
The technological and Panafrican hub inaugurated
The rapid evolution of customer needs, banking practices and technological offers, coupled with the need to take into account the threats of cybercrime, require the strengthening of capacities and expertise in the field of information systems.
This is why Societe Generale has decided to create the Societe Generale African Business Services (SG ABS) subsidiary in Casablanca that has already more than 200 employees and plans to welcome 300 more by mid-2019.
The purpose of this new subsidiary is to provide organizational and information systems services to the Group's subsidiaries in Africa.
This platform aims to become a reference in banking IT. It will deliver all services related to information systems (IS): master plans, infrastructure management, studies and developments via a digital factory in particular... It will bring together various expertise, particularly in IS security, architecture and process review.
The creation of this technology hub is part of the Group's development strategy in Africa. SG ABS will also be able to take advantage of the proximity with some of the bank's key partners in the technological fields that are located in Morocco, such as Sopra Banking and HPS (Hightech Payment Systems).
SG ABS was inaugurated in the presence of Alexandre Maymat, Head of Societe Generale Banking Networks for Africa, the Mediterranean Basin and Overseas France, and Ahmed El Yacoubi, Head of Morocco Region and Chairman of Societe Société Générale Maroc's Executive Board.